domenica 11 novembre 2012

Post_6 Crisis,crisis,crisis!!

There is one word that is on everybody's lips in the European Parliament in last years..

This nice video gives a good idea of what is one of the main issues that Institutions must face: even if said in different languages, the problem is the same in all the European Union!

6 commenti:

  1. Wow! This video hits! I feel overwhelmed by anxiety while I’m watching this video. The economic crisis that afflicts Europe is one of the main topics of political debate. Not a day goes by without hearing about this.
    Many politicians are invited on television shows to talk about this topic.
    They are very good in identifying the problem, but when it comes to propose concrete solutions most of the time they do not know what to say.
    The time has come to change the old political world that dominates the current scene and enable young people to bring freshness and new ideas.

    Paun Romica

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    1. I agree with Romica. This video is really distressing! Talking about the present economic crisis is important because it has repercussions on society, on wages and labour world. It’s also remarkable that the discussion about this issue is part of European Union’s political agenda.

      Now, we must change approach: not only talking about crisis could get us out this situation. We need also facts! We need that Governments adopt new policies in order to benefit the economic growth, to kick-start the economy and production, and to re-built the financial world. And these efforts must be taken in the Community level. National policies could be insufficient nowadays: above all in Europe the economies of member States are strictly linked reciprocally, and we have also a common money (that we have to consider like a reality which cannot be ignored, also if it is criticized). This could be the proof of the real degree of integration (firstly political) of the European Union.

      Michael Massarutto

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  5. I appreciate the way you are treating this argument because it is not easy to analyze and to comment such kind of economical phenomena.
    This video expresses the mood of the entire European continent. Everybody use this word and everywhere. Obviously politicians speak about it in the parliament both national and European, traders and craftsmen speak about it during their work because they are obviously facing many economical difficulties, people in general talk about crisis all the time. I do know that crisis exist but I remain skeptical about one thing: we cannot give all the responsibility to the economical crisis for things that are happening to us. Governments often use word crisis to scare and influence people or to justify unpopular decisions; in some cases people use the word crisis to excuse their wrong behaviors. It happens that someone asks painters or masons to make work in their houses and when they have to pay they refuse to do it, they don’t have money because of the economical crisis that are affecting Europe. This kind of behavior improves the phenomenon of crisis and I find it implausible. It is normal to utilize this word because of the historical moment we are living in, but we don’t have to make a wrong use of it.
