domenica 18 novembre 2012

Post_8 November 14th 2012:General strike and demonstrations

The Executive Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) called for a Day of Action and Solidarity, across Europe on 14 November in order to mobilize the European trade union movement behind the ETUC policies set out in the ‘Social compact for Europe’.[1]
About forty trade unions from 23 countries responded to the firstanti-austerity day”, a day of protests across all Europe against austerity measures in the Old Continent.[2]

Here there are some initiatives taken by trade unions in different European countries.
Some have suggested the strike, others different types of events.
CCOO – UGT – USO: general strike             
CGTP + public services of UGT: general strike
GSEE – ADEDY: 3 hours general strike (general strike of 3 hours)
PODKREPA: Podkrepa has organized open forums in several large Bulgarian cities against austerity and for job quality.
GWU, CMTU, FORUM: The three Maltese Confederations, the Forum of Maltese Unions (for.U.M.), the General Workers Union (GWU) and the Confederation of Malta Trade Unions (CMTU) will be jointly organizing a Half-Day Seminar on the 14th. November where the Press was invited. The emphasis was be on Jobs and Solidarity and not to Austerity Measures.
Mr. John Bencini (FOR.U.M.), Mr. Tony Zarb (GWU) and Mr. William Portelli (CMTU) were the main speakers.
This was the first time that all three confederations were unite for a common cause.
Latvia :
LBAS: LBAS has organized political and media action on the issue of youth unemployment. A delegation of young trade unionists and trade union leaders met the speaker of the Parliament to discuss about youth employment and education.
CGIL: General strike of 4 hours
UIL: Action centered on the education
CISL: This trade union organized actions, at the local level, to promote the proposals contained in the Social contract for Europe of CES. The federation of public services has organized a gathering in front of the Chamber of deputies in Rome to protest against budget cuts.
Finland :
SAK, STTK, AKAVA :Take political and media action to call for the respect of workers’ rights in Europe.
Activities included meeting with the Prime Minister and Ministers of Finance and Labour.
Common demands were delivered to the European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn and Members of the European Parliament.
CGT – CFDT – UNSA – FSU – SOLIDAIRES : Demonstrations on all the territory for the employment  and the solidarity in Europe. 25 demonstrations in France.[3]

ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol commented: "Europe’s leaders should recognize the full magnitude of yesterday’s European mobilisation. Some 50 trade union organisations from 28 countries participated actively in this day of action. It is impossible to pursue the path of austerity, which is a total failure. According to a recent report by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the austerity measures implemented in Greece are leading to violations of fundamental rights. We need to change course immediately. The social situation is urgent."[4]

 In this day and in the most of  European Union States  were present not only trade unions but also students, workers and common people that it is contrary to this type of measures.
We must remember that in the recent months there have been many demonstrations against the crisis, as we can see in the two videos below,


but none has reached the size of that of Wednesday!
Demonstrations were numerous and not without clashes; for example riot police arrested at least two protesters in Madrid and hit others with batons, in Rome[5] students pelted police with rocks in a protest over money-saving plans for the school system[6] , demonstrators in Athens clash with riot police during the general strike in protest.

At the other side, the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel said that it’s important to listen the protesters' demands but it’s necessary go forward[7] in this direction.

To see the Social Compact Document visit

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